When a woman was completely unprepared and their son went from an exclusively breastfeeding baby to a mostly formula baby within a short period of time. She was able to exclusively breastfeed her and work full time. I hope that you find these tips helpful.
1. Plan ahead if possible. Get a freezer stash going before you go back to work.
2. Do not just pump at work. Pump at home on your days off and before and after work.
3. Pump while nursing. Pump on one side while nursing on the other.
4. Find a good place to pump, where you are comfortable and can relax.
5. Make sure everyone at work knows how important breastfeeding is and not to interrupt you.
6. Drink plenty of fluids through out the day. Drink a large glass of water about an hour before you are going to pump.
7. Use a good quality double breast pump like the Ameda Purely Yours.
8. If your supply is dwindling rent a hospital grade pump.
9. Find other moms to talk to that are breastfeeding and pumping.
10. Do not get discouraged if you don't pump a large volume at once. Most moms pump around three oz per pumping.
11. Pump frequently. Pumping frequently is more important than how long you pump.
12. Try to pump at least every three hours.